Lagging - Drums & Chutes
Grip increasing! Make it more wear-resistant! Make it non-stick! Review your application with us.

Lagging with Rubber, PU, PE and Ceramics
Coatings are applied to drums or workpieces. This can be done in our workshops spread across the Benelux or in the factory in Geel, or also on site.
Rubber coverings can be done using: a high-quality triple gluing process or by means of hot vulcanization in our autoclave.
Polyurethane coatings are also done using: a triple gluing process orvia spray coat (warm spray process).
We apply ceramic tiles via an adhesive process (vulcanized in rubber), or directly encapsulated in special ceramic cement.

Coating with Poly-Urethane (Spraycoat)
Narviflex has installations and coating cabins at its branches in Geel (B) and Alken (B), to provide materials (usually steel and stainless steel) with alow polyurethane, by means of a hot spray process.
We can achieve an extensive range of hardnesses (60° sh A, 85° sh A and 95° sh A) and thus provide more grip, or a high degree of anti-adhesion. Our spray coat polyurethane is always extremely wear-resistant and resistant to oil, grease and many chemicals.
Our Narvithane Spraycoat Poly-Urethane is also EU Food Approved.

News items Laggings & Coatings