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Esfo Metal Belts - 40 Years High Quality Producer

Narviflex Esfo Metaalbanden - Renovation of facade cladding in 2024
Narviflex Esfo Metaalbanden - Renovation of facade cladding in 2024

Our Esfo Metal Belts factory, in Enschede, the Netherlands, has been making metal belts for 40 years and counts many leading machine builders and end customers among its loyal customer base.


Esfo Metal Belts was taken over by the Narviflex Group 2 years ago and since that day we have been modernizing the factory with a view to the next 40 years! If you have projects involving metal belts, or you need to replace an existing belt, please contact Esfo Metal Belts , or through your trusted contacts within the Narviflex Group .



Video: A walk through our production in Enschede (NL)...

In less than one minute!



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